Johanne Desrosiers, PhD, OT(C), FCAOT
Dr. Desrosiers is full professor, School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada and a researcher in the Research Center on Aging (Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement). Her research interests focus on evaluation of and intervention for social participation of older adults with disabilities.
As they age, elders may lose functional independence and require rehabilitation to optimize their social participation in their daily activities and social roles. The main aim of Professor Desrosiers's research work is to gain a better understanding of the concept of social participation, accurately assess it and study the impact of biopsychosocial and community interventions designed to optimize how elders perform significant activities and social roles. (Retrieved on March 18, 2015 from
Q and A
Identify three words that others have used to describe you.
Hard Worker, enthusiast, and devoted.
How do you hope to make a difference in the world through research?
By improving dignity and quality of (life for) older adults with restriction in participation.
What is one piece of advice you have for individuals considering a career in science and research?
- Choosing the right research field: expertise and passion.
- Persevering...failure is a simple detour to success!
- In tough times, remember that you have enjoyed it...and you'll still love it.
Beside your own areas of inquiry, what is one research priority that you believe is important for the future of occupational science and occupational therapy?
Knowledge transfer in order to find the best ways for clinicians to use research data in their daily work.
Describe the most important role that mentors played in your professional journey.
Re-assurance about my ideas and my decisions.
Identify a favorite occupation that renews you outside of your work.
What has been the most surprising or rewarding aspects of a career in science and research?
The pleasure I have to train and mentor the next generation of researchers.
Selected References
Desrosiers, J, Viau-Guay, A, Bellemare, M, Trude,l L, Feillou, I & Guyon, AC. (2014). Relationship-based care and behaviours of residents in long-term care facilities. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, 2014:949180. doi: 10.1155/2014/949180. Epub 2014 Jan 12.
Mayo, NE, Anderson, S, Barclay, R, Cameron, JI, Desrosiers J, Eng, JJ, Huijbregts, M, Kagan, A, Lyons, MM, Moriello, C, Richards, CL, Salbach, NM, Scott, SC, Teasell R & Bayley M. (2015). Getting on with the rest of your life following stroke: A randomized trial of a complex intervention aimed at enhancing life participation post stroke. Clinical Rehabilitation, pii: 0269215514565396. [Epub ahead of print].
Turcotte, PL, Carrier, A, Desrosiers, J & Levasseur, M. (2015). Are health promotion and prevention interventions integrated into occupational therapy practice with older adults having disabilities? Insights from six community health settings in Québec, Canada. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 62, 56-67.