
Academy of Research In Occupational Therapy

AOREstablished in 1983, the AOTF Academy of Research in Occupational Therapy recognizes individuals who have made exemplary, distinguished, and sustained contributions toward the science of occupational therapy. Every year, the Academy of Research invites nominations for membership. After consideration of the nominations and supporting materials, the Academy selects individuals to be inducted into this distinguished body of researchers. Usually, inductions occur at the next AOTA Annual Conference and Exposition.  

The 2025 nomination period closed on October 30, 2024.

Nomination Procedures

View Presentations from the 2022 Academy of Research Inductees and 2022 Early & Mid-Career Awardees

View Presentations from the 2021 Academy of Research Inductees and 2021 Early & Mid-Career Awardees

2025 Inductees to the Academy


Batya Engel-Yeger, PhD, Professor, Dean of Students, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel


Dr. Batya Engel-Yeger is an esteemed Israeli occupational therapist, investigator, and educator, currently serving as the Dean of Students at the University of Haifa. With a distinguished career in academia, she previously held the position of chairperson of the Department of Occupational Therapy. Dr. Engel-Yeger is known for her dedication to advancing the field of occupational therapy through rigorous research and mentoring of trainees and young faculty.

Her substantial research contributions focus on sensory processing in various populations, including both children and adults. Dr. Engel-Yeger has an impressive track record of securing funding, having obtained numerous competitive internal and external grants to support her work. With 118 peer-reviewed publications, she has established herself as a leading figure in her field, collaborating with researchers locally and internationally.

Dr. Engel-Yeger’s commitment to research excellence was recognized with the prestigious 2024 A Jean Ayres Award from the AOTF, highlighting her impactful contributions to occupational therapy and the mentorship of future professionals.


Susan Magasi, PhD, MS, BScO, BSc, FACRM, Head and Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL


Susan Magasi, PhD, FACRM, MS, BScOT, BSc, is an associate professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy and Disability Studies at the University of Illinois Chicago. Her work addresses two primary areas: improving health and participation equity for disabled individuals, particularly those in under-resourced communities, and understanding the intersection of cancer and disability. 

Dr. Magasi utilizes innovative Community Engaged Research (CEnR) to develop mHealth interventions supporting cancer survivors and individuals with new-onset disabilities.  Her research, funded by NIH and NIDILRR, has resulted in numerous publications and presentations impacting occupational therapy, rehabilitation science, medical and cancer care, and disability policy.

Dr. Magasi also serves in leadership roles at AOTF, including Chair of the Scientific Advisory Council and former Board of Trustee, further demonstrating her commitment to advancing research in the field.


Trudy Mallinson, PhD, OTR/L, FACRM, FAOTA, NZROT, Associate Dean for Health Sciences Research, Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership, The George Washington University, Washington, DC


Dr. Mallinson is an esteemed researcher in the field of occupational therapy, known for her innovative contributions to measuring and improving outcomes for individuals with multiple chronic disabilities. She has developed a highly productive research program focused on designing and implementing person-centered measures that address the needs of diverse rehabilitation populations. Her work emphasizes the psychometric assessment and standardization of functional status measures, applying advanced measurement theory to enhance the reliability and validity of these tools across various rehabilitation settings, including inpatient and community environments.

Throughout her career, Dr. Mallinson has investigated critical questions in rehabilitation, such as the impact of standardized measures on therapy outcomes and the relationship between therapy interventions and patient progress. Her pioneering research has led to new methodologies that incorporate interdisciplinary perspectives, significantly advancing the field.




Elizabeth A. Pfeiffer, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, FAOTA, Professor, Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA


Dr. Pfeiffer is an associate professor in the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at Temple University College of Public Health and the director of the Research, Engagement, and Advocacy for Community Participation and Health (REACH) Lab. Her research focuses on the development of interventions and outcome measures to support engagement in meaningful activities in the community for transitional-age youth and young adults with ASD and/or IDD.

In all aspects of her work in the REACH lab, she is committed to engaging stakeholders/community partners in research planning and decision-making. Dr. Pfeiffer teaches research in the post-professional and entry-level Occupational Therapy Doctorate program and mentors PhD students. She continues her clinical practice in the area of pediatrics.

Members of the Academy of Research

View Full List of Academy of Research Members At-A-Glance. * indicates a deceased member.

Nancy Baker, ScD, MPH, OTR/L
Joel Rollins

Nancy Baker, ScD, MPH, OTR/L


Dr. Baker is Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Tufts University.  Her research "focuses on the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders primarily of the hand and arm. Her research reflects a synthesis of preventing work related hand injuries (ergonomics), addressing limitations due to arthritis, and examining conservative treatments for work-related hand injuries, particularly carpal tunnel syndrome. Her expertise in clinical hand biomechanics has also lead to collaborations with others interested in the effect of disability on hand coordination, such as the effects of glaucoma, or the effects of prosthetic use.

Baker's research is eclectic and uses a variety of tools and techniques to answer her research questions. She has experience with instrument development (Keyboard – Personal Computer Style [K-PeCS); motion capture analysis of upper extremity function; and has completed two randomized clinical trials, one on computer keyboard use, and one comparing conservative treatments of carpal tunnel syndrome. She has developed skills in large dataset analyses and is developing health systems intervention research to improve the care of people with carpal tunnel syndrome.

From her experiences in work rehabilitation, Baker developed an interest in epidemiology and population level research. She obtained a Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology in 2009, and was a Guest Researcher at the Centers for Disease Control Division of Population Health: Arthritis, Epilepsy, and Well-Being Branch from 2014 to 2015. She is currently exploring how knowledge translation and implementation science can be used to increase the uptake of evidence-based treatments in occupational therapy."  (Retrieved on March 15 2019 from https://ase.tufts.edu/occupationalTherapy/people/baker.htm.)

Dr. Baker became an associate editor of OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health in February 2017.



Selected References

Baker, NA, Moehling, K, Park, SY. (2015) The effect of a fixed split-angle keyboard on musculoskeletal discomfort: A randomized cross-over trial. Work, 50(4):677-86. doi: 10.3233/WOR-131797
Qin, J, Theis, KA, Barbour, KE, Helmick, CG, Baker, NA, Brady, TJ. (2015) The impact of arthritis and multiple chronic conditions on selected life domains, United States, 2013. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), 64(21):578-582
Baker, NA, Barbour, K, Helmick, C, Zack, MM, Al Snih, S. (2017) Associations between arthritis and change in physical function in U.S. retirees. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological Sciences Medical Sciences, 72(1):127-133. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glw075
Baker, NA, Barbour, K, Helmick, C, Zack, M, Al Snih, S. (2017) Arthritis and cognitive impairment in older adults. International Rheumatology, 37(6):955-961. doi: 10.1007/s00296-017-3698-1
Bove, AM, Baker, NA, *Livengood, H, King, V, Mancino, J, Popchak, A, Fitzgerald, K. (2017) Task-specific training for adults with chronic knee pain: a case series. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy,;47(8):548-556. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2017.7349
Qin, J, Barbour, L, Murphy, L, Baker, NA, Helmick, C, Theis, K, Schwartz, T, Renner, J, Nelson, A, Allen, K, Jordan, J. (2017) Lifetime risk of symptomatic hand osteoarthritis: The Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 69(6):1204-1212. doi: 10.1002/art.40097
Baker, NA, Livengood, H, Nau, AC, Owens, G, Chambers, AJ, Trout, J, Cham, R. (2017) Effect of central and peripheral vision occlusion on motor performance during hand coordination tasks. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors,5(3-4):148-157. doi: 10.1080/24725838.2017.1398691
Bass, J, Baker, NA. (2017) Occupational therapy and public health: Advancing research to improve population health and health equity. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 37(4):175-177. doi: 10.1177/1539449217731665
Baker, NA, Stevans, J, Terhorst, L, Haas, A, Kuo, Y-F, Al Snih, S. What types of treatment are provided for patients with carpal tunnel syndrome? A retrospective analysis of commercial insurance. PM&R. Online pre-publication doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2018.02.004
Pure, E, Terhorst, L, Baker, NA.(2018) Movement and manual therapy for adults with arthritis: National Health Interview Survey. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 37:96-102. Doi 0.1016/j.ctim.2018.02.007 

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