2021 PTE President's and Excellence in Inter-Chapter Collaboration Awardees
Congratulations 2021 PTE Chapter Awardees!
2021 President's Award
This award recognizes chapters who organize and implement outstanding scholarly activities developed to increase knowledge, develop professional skills, and contribute to the advancement of the occupational therapy profession.
Chapters: Gamma Pi at Russell Sage College & Beta Psi at Stony Brook University
Scholarly Activity: Virtual Research Mixer
Summary: These two chapters co-hosted a virtual event where students and faculty attended presentations of eight capstone and research projects. "The goal of the mixer was to promote research and scholorship between both programs in order to increase knowledge, develop professional skills and relationships, and contribute to the advancement of the occupational therapy profession." Four projects from each university were presented.
Attendance: 50 students and faculty members between both chapters.
2021 Award For Excellence In Inter-Chapter Collaboration
This award honor and recognize Pi Theta Epsilon chapters that have exceeded in creating interchapter collaborations which support the PTE mission.
Chapters: Alpha Iota at Creighton University, Delta Gamma at College of St. Mary & Epsilon Eta at Nebraska Methodist College
Scholarly Activity: Virtual Research Symposium
Summary: These three chapters collaborated to co-host a virtual event that included three speakers - one PTE alum from each chapter. "The goal of the symposium was to create an event that included the following scholorship-driven components: current research or evidence -based research being utilized in current practice, alumni involvement, representation from each chapter, and an opportunity for discussions and questions from current members." Speakers included: Suzanne Holm, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR of Creighton University; Payton Reynolds, MOT, OTR/L of College of St. Nary; and Emily Barr, OTD, OYR/L, BCG of Nebraska Methodist College.
Attendance: 45 PTE members representing all three chapters