Congrats to our Student Scavenger Hunt Winners!
Congratulations to the 10 OT students that were selected from the correctly completed AOTF Scavenger Hunt at AOTA Inspire Conference 2023- each will receive a $50 Amazon gift card, sponsored by Real OT Solutions
Did you get all 11 questions about AOTF correct? Are you or one of your fellow classmates a winner?
Thanks to everyone who participated and we will have another Hunt for OT students at the 2024 AOTA Inspire.
Here are the correct answers:
What year was AOTF established? 1965
What is the mission of AOTF? To advance the science of occupational therapy tosupport people's full participation in meaningful life activities
AOTF’s 3 research grant programs are: Health Services Research, Implementation Research, Intervention Research
Who was the 2023 speaker for Breakfast With A Scholar? Mickey Rowe
True or False, all AOTF mission activities are fully funded through philanthropic gifts? True
The 2023 Academy of Research inductees are: Sook-Lei Liew and Carolyn Unsworth
The annual student-led fundraiser for the Intervention Research Grant is called the St. Catherine Challenge
The joint AOTF-AOTA 1 day program for students interested in research careers is called the OT Institute for Future Scientists in Occupational Therapy
AOTF holds 26 state association scholarships
OTRJ’s 2021 impact factor was 1.632
Hashtags from our March 13, 2023 instagram posting: #AOTFSCC #OTResearch #OccupationalTherapy