

Establishing Partnerships and Seed Money Lead to Extramural Funding

Establishing Partnerships and Seed Money Lead to Extramural Funding

In 2018, The American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF) convened a group of scientists from seven different disciplines in a Planning Grant Collective (PGC) to stimulate research to identify scalable ways to preserve and optimize participation among cancer survivors and then identify interventions that improve participation in roles and life. In 2019, one of the PGC committee members, current AOTF Board Member and Academy of Research Member, Kathleen Lyons, OT, ScD, OTR, Professor, MGH Institute of Health Professions, was awarded an R01 and its outcomes were recently published in the JAMA Network Open article, Telephone-Based Rehabilitation Intervention to Optimize Activity Participation After Breast Cancer (Lyons KD, Wechsler SB, Ejem DB, et al). The intervention is an example of one of the three priorities identified during that 2018 AOTF workshop with fellow participant and author, Robin Newman, OTD, OTR, CLT, FAOTA, Program Director of the Department of Occupational Therapy, Boston University.

“The discussions with the PGC participants (including the program officers) were instrumental in my ability to hone the argument and get the grant funded. So, thank you AOTF!” says Lyons.

The PGC discussion and recommendations regarding all three recommendations that could catalyze research on participation of cancer survivors were published in AOTF’s OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, Catalyzing Research to Optimize Cancer Survivors’ Participation in Work and Life Roles (Newman RM, Alfano CM, Radomski MV, et al).

Together, with Foundation volunteers like Kathy, we support key strategic pillars, including establishing partnerships between researchers, practitioners and community partners, that fulfill our mission of building evidence to improve OT practice and health.

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Press Releases

AOTF Announces Opening of 2016-2017 Scholarship Competition

AOTF Announces Opening of 2016-2017 Scholarship Competition

AOTF 2016 Intervention Research Grants Announced

 AOTF 2016 Intervention Research Grants Announced 

AOTF Announces Research Priorities to Support Effective, Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy

AOTF Announces Research Priorities to Support Effective, Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy

Foundation Announces Opening of 2015-2016 Scholarship Competition

Foundation Announces Opening of 2015-2016 Scholarship Competition

AOTF Announces the Charles Christiansen and Beth Jones Endowed Scholarship

AOTF Announces the Charles Christiansen and Beth Jones Endowed Scholarship

AOTF Partners with OccupationalTherapy.com for Scholarships

AOTF Partners with OccupationalTherapy.com for Scholarships

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Selected Previous Initiatives of the AOTF

The Center for Outcomes Research and Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago


The Center for Outcomes Research and Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, funded in 1994 and supported through 2003, developed outcomes studies and generated evidence upon which to base effective practice. Since 1994, CORE doctoral and post-doctoral fellows have generated over $11 million in funding. The concept of a scholarship of practice has generated two new international efforts in London and Stockholm to replicate CORE's idea of advancing and documenting the outcomes of practice. Notably, these efforts bring together scholars and practitioners in a common effort.CORE sponsored a series of events at the 2002 AOTA Annual Conference in Miami and a one-day institute at the AOTA Council on Education Program Directors' Meeting in November 2002. CORE and AOTF sponsored a scientific panel on Participatory Action Research at the AOTA Annual Conference in June 2003.

Program for the Study of Habits, Health, and Society


From 1999 to 2007, the AOTF Institute sponsored three interdisciplinary conferences to enable scholarly exploration of the construct of human habit and its role in everyday life. 

The third of these conference, "Habits III," convened in January 2007 and involved eighty-nine scholars representing twelve fields and disciplines. The proceedings of this conference, entitled Habit and Rehabilitation: Promoting Participation, are available through the publisher SLACK, Inc. as the supplement to the fall 2007 issue of OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health. 

Task Force on Occupation in Societal Crises


Task Force on Occupation in Societal Crises, created in 2002 in response to the attack on 9/11, linked occupational therapy perspectives to societal networks that help people manage stress and create a healthy balance through meaningful occupation.