
Upcoming Events and Dates

The OT Summit 2024 in Florida, held June 6-8, 2024, served as a collaborative hub for occupational therapy research. This successful annual event is a collaboration among leading academic departments from the University of Florida (host), the University of Washington, Washington University at St. Louis, and Ohio State University.

AOTF, a sponsor of the event, was well-represented at the Summit. Our CEO, Scott Campbell, PhD (pictured), underscored the significance of introducing students to research careers and facilitating their connections with mentors and role models.

Our Chief Scientific Officer, Satvika Garg, PhD, OTR/L, highlighted that for nearly 60 years, the AOTF has been a leading force in funding occupational therapy research to improve practice and health outcomes.

Melanie M. Tkach, PhD, MSOT, OTR/L, and Rachel Proffitt, OTD, OTR/L, AOTF Board Member, spoke on behalf of OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. They’ll be collaborating with the rest of our OTJR editorial team to publish the Summit abstracts in an upcoming issue.

Stay tuned for further details regarding the OT Summit 2025 (date and location to be determined).

Learn More About the OT Summit at UF
