
Upcoming Events and Dates

Occupational therapy has an important and expanding role in non-traditional settings and emerging practice areas outside of the healthcare system. This has impacted types of service delivery models and expanded a focus on community-based practice and outcomes. Additionally, OT’s role in traditional medical care has evolved into new settings and functions. In response, there is a need to determine the effectiveness of both models of service delivery and the interventions.

Across the life course, people experience a wide range of planned and unanticipated transitions. There is a critical need for interventions to support people, families, and communities as they experience these transitions. Example transitions may include disability onset/identification/diagnosis, starting and ending educational and training programs, transitions across systems of care, retirement, aging in place, and end of life.

Technology and environmental support are ubiquitous across all areas of society. Technology use enhances occupational therapy interventions and is a significant form of occupational engagement and social participation. Technology and environmental supports are a priority across the lifespan in home, clinical, and community settings.
