
Upcoming Events and Dates

AOTF Legacy Circle

Members of the AOTF Legacy Circle have generously remembered AOTF in their wills or estates, strengthening the Foundation for generations to come.To create a planned gift for the American Occupational Therapy Foundation in your estate plan, please contact the AOTF Development Office or 240-292-1050.


2015 Gala - Champagne and Chocolate. Celebrating AOTF's 50th Anniversary. 
2014 Gala -- Express Yourself! AOTF and friends celebrated creativity at this American Visionary Art Museum. 
2013 Gala -- AOTF saluted the military at the San Diego Air and Space Museum.
2012 Gala -- Dancing with the Stars (Indy-Style). 

Qualitative Research Exchange

The Qualitative Research Exchange provided a forum for sharing new ideas related to current and emerging theoretical and practical issues in qualitative research.

Research Colloquium

An AOTF tradition from 1982 to 2014, the Research Colloquium provided a forum where scientists engaged in the important process of constructive critique and dialogue.

State of the Science Symposium

Each year, AOTF selects a topic to explore and invites respected researchers to summarize scientifically validated evidence that guides best practice and identify gaps in the evidence and research priorities that must be addressed to support future practice. This integrated review of the state of the science includes a discussion of the implications for practice, education, research, and policy.
