
Upcoming Events and Dates


The following events occur on an annual basis as directed by the national office. Individual chapters are encouraged to host additional events in alignment with the PTE mission for their current and alumni members....

Chapter Resources

Chapters by State

Establish a Chapter

To establish a PTE chapter, your university must offer master's level or advanced degrees in occupational therapy and be fully accredited by ACOTE. International chapters outside of the United States may be established in a college or university which offer degrees in occupational therapy approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. PTE chapters may be established at institutions when evidence of interest and eligibility is shown by ten or more students.

Member Resources

Membership in Pi Theta Epsilon is extended to eligible students by individual chapters in accordance with national criteria specified in the constitution of the society. Recognized chapters are affiliated with accredited educational programs in occupational therapy and established through an application and approval process. Students interested in membership should consult with designated advisor for their chapter. Educational programs interested in starting new chapters should contact the national PTE coordinator for application instructions. 
