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Building a More Diverse Research Landscape: The STRIDE Mentored Research Scholarship

The American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF) is offering a unique scholarship program called the STRIDE (Standing for Research Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity). 

This program is special because it focuses on increasing diversity and equity in occupational therapy research by providing funding to a specific group of applicants.

What’s new this year? 

  • This year (2024), AOTF renamed the STRIDE OT Research Fund (SRF) as the STRIDE Mentored Research Scholarship (SMRS). 
  • AOTF has collected a database of mentors interested in assisting you on your research journey, aiming to best match awardees and mentors together based on areas of interest and expertise.  

Who is eligible? 

This scholarship is open to practicing occupational therapy clinicians, and graduates committed to broadening participation in research. However, the eligibility criteria go beyond academic qualifications. Here's what sets SMRS apart: 

  • Background: The program targets applicants from under-represented backgrounds, with disabilities, and/or from under-resourced backgrounds. Please refer to the NIH link regarding information on underrepresented groups. This ensures opportunities are given to those who might otherwise face barriers to entering research. 
  • Experience: You can be a post-professional Master's (OT) graduate, an entry-level or post-professional OTD graduate, or a practicing OT Clinician. This opens the door to both recent graduates and experienced clinicians who may be practicing full or part-time. 

What will you gain? 

If you're selected for the SMRS program, you'll be paired with a research mentor at an institution outside your own. This mentorship provides valuable guidance and support as you: 

  • Gain hands-on experience in a research project aligned with your interests. 
  • Develop critical research skills, like formulating research questions and analyzing data. 
  • Build your network within the occupational therapy research community. 

Showcasing Your Work 

The program culminates with you presenting a poster on your research experience at the AOTA INSPIRE Conference. This is a fantastic opportunity to: 

  • Share your findings with a wider audience. 
  • Gain recognition for your work. 
  • Network with other occupational therapy professionals. 

Is the STRIDE Mentored Research Scholarship right for you? 

If you are an occupational therapist who is passionate about research and comes from an under-represented background, with a disability, and/or from an under-resourced background, then this scholarship program could be a game-changer. It provides financial support, mentorship, and a platform to showcase your research.  

Building a More Diverse Research Landscape 

The STRIDE Mentored Research Scholarship has been fostering diverse and qualified occupational therapists in research for two years now, with five recipients in 2023 and three in 2022. This program's commitment to increasing equity is ongoing. 

Don't miss out! The application deadline is July 19, 2024.  

Apply now or share the news with your network so that others can apply, too! 

If you would like to serve as a STRIDE mentor for the following years, please use this Qualtrics Survey link 

FAQ link  

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