Congratulations Inaugural Nancy Talbot Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Awardee, Lady Rios-Vega OTD, OTR/L
Congratulations to our inaugural Nancy Talbot Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Awardee, Lady Rios-Vega OTD, OTR/L, Thomas Jefferson University, Improving Utilization of Occupational Therapy services for Black and African American Families of Children with Autism
In honor of Nancy Talbot MEd, OTR, FAOTA, the AOTF has established the Nancy Talbot Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in support of postdoctoral research training in occupational therapy. This one-year award will be $30,000 (with the possibility of a competitive renewal for a second year). This fellowship seeks to improve diversity of the occupational therapy workforce by supporting postdoctoral training for individuals from groups demonstrated to have low representation in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social sciences.
Please make a gift to help us support the future of OT, strengthen evidence-based practice and improve the quality of care. Your generosity will secure this scholarship for generations of OTs.