Congratulations to 2021 Mary J. Bridle Awardee
Congratulations to our 2021 Mary J. Bridle Awardee, Keri Kamphoff, University of South Dakota – Occupational Therapists Addressing Quality of Life Issues for Clients with Lymphedema.
The purpose of the award is to foster scholarship and first research efforts within the occupational therapy community of students, young practitioners, and early researchers. It supports Pi Theta Epsilon’s mission of promoting research and scholarly activities within the field of occupational therapy. The Mary J. Bridle Award provides an opportunity for Pi Theta Epsilon members to have a research manuscript reviewed by experts in the field and considered for publication in OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. The PTE Executive Committee and National Coordinator review all submitted research manuscripts. The review is conducted by three anonymous reviewers offering expertise in the area of the manuscript subject. Publication is conditional on and will proceed in accordance with the policies of OTJR with final approval of its editor-in-chief.
Additionally, the recipient will receive a cash award of $750. The Mary J. Bridle Award will be available annually but will be awarded only when manuscripts of sufficient caliber are submitted.