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Lisa Juckett, PhD, OTR/L, CHT

Lisa Juckett, PhD, OTR/L, CHT



Lisa Juckett, PhD, OTR/L, CHT, is an Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The Ohio State University. She leverages her prior clinical experiences in physical rehabilitation and her doctoral training in implementation science to identify solutions that narrow the “research-to-practice” gap.

Dr. Juckett and her team have developed and tested strategies to expedite the use of innovations (e.g., standardized outcome measures, fall prevention interventions) in real-world practice settings, including stroke rehabilitation units, community-based organizations, and aging service agencies.

Her work has been funded by entities such as the NIH, PCORI, the Administration for Community Living, and the National Science Foundation, and she is actively involved in local and national service initiatives to improve the health outcomes of vulnerable aging communities. 

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