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OT Research Summit in Wisconsin

Universities of Wisconsin-Madison and Milwaukee hosted the 10th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars June 16-18. The 2022 OT Research Summit aspired to activate leadership in science so that OT/OS scientists form and lead diverse interdisciplinary research teams to advance occupational therapy, occupational science, and improve quality of life. This year’s program covered work in progress (WIP) projects and presentations from researchers including AOTF grantees, Jewel E Crasta, PhD, OTR/L, Stacey Reynolds, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Karen Atler, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Lisa Juckett, PhD, OTR/L, CHT and Erika Kemp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP. Collaborative activated research teams (CART) during the summit were led by various researchers including AOTA STRIDE and past grantee member Simone Gill, AOTF grant winners Susan Magasi, Lauren Little and Lisa Juckett, AOTF award winners Beth Fields, Jessica Kramer, Stefanie Bodison and Ginny Stoffel and AOTF Academy of Research (AOR) members Sherrilene ClassenTim Wolf and Anita Bundy. The funder presentations included our very own Scientific Program Officer, Satvika Garg, PhD, OTR/L, along with Theresa Cruz, Director, NCMRR, Sharon Chiou, PhD, NIOSH, Grace Hwang, PhD, NSF and Pimjai Sudsawad, ScD, NIDILRR. Please go to www.otsummit.org - 2022 Summit Resources for details of these presentations.

We look forward to next year’s OT Summit at The Ohio State University!


(pictured)“Caregiving: Measurement, Intervention, and Outcomes,” Collaborative Activated Research Team (CART): Beth Fields, Lauren Little & Timothy Dionne

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