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OTJR Top Reviewer for 2021

We would like to congratulate Dr. Krasniuk on her exceptional contributions to OTJR!

Sarah Krasniuk

OTJR recently announced the recipient of the Top Reviewer Award for 2021: Sarah Krasniuk PhD, MSc. Dr. Krasniuk is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. She joined the OTJR Review Board in 2020, and previously served as an Editorial Fellow from 2017-2020.

Dr. Krasniuk was selected out of a pool of 256 reviewers that completed one or more peer-reviews for OTJR from January to December 2021. The recipient is determined through evaluating several criteria, including the total number of reviews completed, combined with ratings for review quality and review timeliness as rated by our Associate Editors. 

Dr. Krasniuk joins fellow Top Reviewer award recipients, notably: the 2018 & 2019 recipient, Dr. Carolyn Hanson (University of Florida); and the 2020 co-recipients Dr. Markia Demers (University of Southern California), and Dr. Heather Fritz (Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences).

Thanks to all our OTJR peer-reviewers for sharing their time and expertise!

Reminder: Special Telehealth Issue:- Submit by Aug. 1, 2022.

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