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PTE Executive Team Secretary Ann Cook, Ed.D., OTD, OTR/L

PTE Executive Team Secretary Ann Cook, Ed.D., OTD, OTR/L


Ann Cook, Ed.D., OTD, OTR/L, CPAM, has been a practicing occupational therapist since 2012. She earned her master's degree from Gannon University in 2012, her post-professional OTD from Chatham University in 2014, and her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Duquesne University in 2021.

Ann has practiced primarily in acute care settings but has also practiced in inpatient rehabilitation, schools, outpatient pediatrics, and early intervention. Ann transitioned to working full-time in academia in 2015 but has maintained clinical practice on a PRN basis.

Ann served as a Doctoral Capstone Coordinator for an entry-level OTD program for six years and is currently the Program Director for Slippery Rock University’s entry-level OTD program in Pennsylvania. Ann’s research is primarily that of the scholarship of teaching and learning, and her research trajectory focus is on student self-efficacy.

As the secretary, Ann hopes to increase communication with current and alumni PTE members and promote the organization's amazing work!

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