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Qualitative Research Exchange


  • 2008 New frontiers in qualitative research.  Moderator: Cathy Lysack, PhD, OT(C). Speakers: Donald Fogelberg, PhD candidate, OT/L, (Exploring pressure ulcer risk through complex systems theory and the concept of habit); Jessica M. Kramer, PhD candidate, OTR/L, (A picture is worth a thousand words: empowering individuals with development/intellectual disabilities to access research production using visual strategies); Debbie Laliberte Rudman, PhD, OT Reg (Not), (Why deconstruct? Considering the potential contribution of critical discourse analysis to occupational science).

  • 2007 Emergence in a structured world.  Moderator: Virginia Dickie, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. Speakers: Ruth Humphry, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, (Balancing: informed consent and the "I never anticipated" research process); Melissa Park, PhD, OTR/L, (Narrative trouble and ethical dilemmas: "Tussling" and "a kiss" in an ethnography of a pediatric occupational therapy practice); Melinda Suto, PhD, OTR, OT(C), (Working with ethical issues that arise during fieldwork); Jennifer Womack, MS, OTR/L, SCDCM, (Dynamics of community access and participant status in an ethnographic project).

  • 2006 The contributions of qualitative research to evidence-based practice.  Moderator: Virginia Dickie, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA. Speakers: Gary Bedell, PhD, OTR, (Appraising research evidence to inform intervention decisions: A heterarchical perspective); Janice Burke, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, (How therapists collect evidence during the assessment experience); Ellen Cohn, ScD, OTR, (How we use qualitative research evidence to inform our practice); Kathleen Lyons, ScD, OTR/L, (Using qualitative research to design and modify interventions for persons with cancer).

  • 2005 Experiences with mixed methods. Moderator: Virginia Dickie, PhD, OTR/L. Presenters: Loree Primeau, PhD, OTR, (The Community-Based Health Improvement Project); Grace T. Baranek, PhD, OTR/L and Virginia Dickie, PhD, OTR/L, (Managing mixed method madness: examples from the Sensory Experiences Project); Valerie Howells, PhD, OTR, (Making Art: examining the effects of participation in a community arts studio).

  • 2004 Reflections and emerging issues. Moderator: Betty R. Hasselkus, PhD, OTR, FAOTA. Panelists: Ellen S. Cohn, ScD, OTR, FAOTA, Virginia A. Dickie, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, Mary C. Lawlor, ScD, OTR, FAOTA, Kathleen Lyons, ScD, OTR/L, Ann Neville-Jan, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, Loree Primeau, PhD, OTR, Susan L. Spitzer, PhD, OTR, Elizabeth Townsend, PhD, OT(C), FCAOT.

  • 2003 New directions and new challenges in qualitative research. Peggy Neufeld, PhD, OTR/L, Tove Borg, Ann Neville-Jan, PhD, OTR, FAOTA.

  • 2002 Narrative in qualitative research. Elizabeth B. Crepeau, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, Diana M. Bailey, EdD, OTR, FAOTA, Toby B. Hamilton, PhD, OTR/L, Jeanne M. Jackson, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, Judith D. Ward, PhD, OTR.

  • 2001 The theory questions. Elizabeth Crepeau, PhD, FAOTA, (Theory and the interpretative process in qualitative research); Mary Lawlor, ScD, FAOTA, (Theory and the interpretative process in qualitative research); Jean Spencer, PhD,FAOTA, (Alternative theories in studying adaptation to hand injury); Cheryl Mattingly, PhD, (Odd theory).

  • 2000 Narrative: Whose story is it? How should it be written? Moderator: Susan A. Esdaile, PhD, OTR, SROT. Panelists: Betty Hasselkus, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, Sue Rosa, MA, OTR, Ellen Cohn, MS, OTR, Cathy Lysack, PhD.

  • 1999 Moderator: Susan Esdaile, PhD, OTR. Presenters: Colette H. Duggan, PhD, Ruth A. Hansen, PhD, FAOTA, Bonnie L. Kennedy, PhD, OTR, Wendy Wood, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

  • 1998 Methodology issues in qualitative research: A focus on aging. Moderator: Susan A. Esdaile, PhD, OTR, SROT. Panelists: Mark Luborsky, PhD, Deborah R. Mandel, MA, OTR, Lena Borell, PhD, Virginia A. Dickie, PhD, OTR, FAOTA.

  • 1997 The meaning of family occupations. Moderator: Susan A. Esdaile, PhD, SROT. Janice P. Burke, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Elizabeth Francis-Connolly, MS, OTR, Judith A. Olson, MS, OTR, Elizabeth Larson, PhD, OTR, Mary Lawlor, ScD, OTR, FAOTA.
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