Event date:
8/14/2019 9:00 AM - 1/1/3020 12:00 AM Export event
Winnie Dunn
Dr. Dunn is a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Occupational Therapy Education at the University of Missouri. She is an internationally known expert for her studies about sensory processing in everyday life. She received her occupational therapy and a special education graduate degree from the University of Missouri, and her doctorate in applied neuroscience from the University of Kansas.
Winnie has published more than 100 research articles, book chapters, and books and has spoken around the world about her work. In 2014, Dr. Dunn completed the update and standardization research on the Sensory Profile 2, to ensure that researchers and professionals in practice have the most current evidence to support their decisions. She has received the top honors in her field, including the Award of Merit for outstanding overall contributions, and the Eleanor Clark Slagle Lectureship for outstanding academic contributions. She is a member of the Academy of Research for the American Occupational Therapy Foundation and has received the A. Jean Ayres research award.