The President’s Award has been established to honor and recognize Pi Theta Epsilon chapters who organize and implement outstanding scholarly activities developed to increase knowledge, develop professional skills, and contribute to the advancement of the occupational therapy profession.
Each chapter may submit one application which details one scholarly chapter event that occurred within the past calendar year (January – December). Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with an annual review beginning on January 31 each year. Applications must be submitted via email to the PTE National Office ( by midnight local time January 31. Applications will be reviewed by the national PTE Executive Board. When appropriate, a second award may be considered to distinguish outstanding individual and inter-chapter accomplishments. A description of the winning scholarly activity will be published in the Scroll & Pen and the winning chapter will be recognized at the PTE Annual Business Meeting.

Application Components
- Chapter Greek name
- Chapter university
- Contact person
- Address
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Identified if this activity was coordinated by one individual chapter or multiple chapters.
- Describe the activity conducted by your PTE chapter and why it was selected.
- Describe the relationship between the activity and the mission of PTE.
- State the goal and/or the outcome(s) of the activity as it relates to the goal/purpose.
- Provide a summary regarding the response of the activity participants. Include both qualitative (e.g. quotes) and quantitative examples (e.g. survey responses) as appropriate.