Congratulations OT Fellowship and Scholarship Recipients!

Nedra Gillette Endowed Research Fellowship
Cristin M. Holland, PhD, OTR/L, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Nancy Talbot Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Dominique Como, PhD, EdM, OTR/L, University of Pittsburgh

Dr. Gary Kielhofner Doctoral Research Scholarship
Amy McArthur, PhD Candidate, MS, OTR/L, University of Illinois 

Bonita Kraft Occupational Therapy Doctoral Student Scholarship
Clarissa Mireau, PhD Candidate, MA, OTR/L, TPS, Nova Southeastern University 
Occupational Therapy

Stay tuned for the announcement of our remaining grant recipients! 

In Memoriam of Azela Gohl Giese

AOTF is sad to inform our community of the passing of Azela Gohl Giese of Roseville, Minnesota. Azela was an occupational therapy professor at St. Catherine University from 1962-1998. She received her BSOT from the school in 1959. During her 3 decades at St. Catherine, Azela served as the department chair and academic fieldwork coordinator as well secured an array of federal and foundation grants to provide stipends for disadvantaged students, advance new technologies in OT and support community-based fieldwork initiatives. She also served 2 terms as the President of the Minnesota OT Association. Upon her retirement in 1998, Azela was named a fellow of the American Occupational Therapy Association and was awarded the title of Professor Emerita at St. Catherine’s.

Azela was a long-time supporter of AOTF, making gifts for over 30 years to support our work and especially her school through the St. Catherine Challenge.

A memorial service for Azela will be held at St. Rose of Lima in Roseville, MN on March 31, 2023 at 10am. She has included AOTF among the memorial gifts that can be made in her memory.

Khalilah Robinson Johnson, PhD, OTR/L

Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Emily F. Rothman, ScD, MS

Professor and Chair, Occupational Therapy
Sargent College
Boston University
Boston, MA

Top AOTF Accomplishments in 2022

MJ MulcaheyAs I reflect upon the year in review, I have deep gratitude and respect for the donors, partners, and volunteers who contribute to the tapestry of the Foundation. There are dozens of volunteers who serve the Foundation to help move the field towards the vision of a vibrant science that supports occupational therapy. Combined with the financial support of generous donors and partners, it is the time and talent of our volunteers that enable the Foundation to carry-out our important mission— advance the science of occupational therapy.

Happy new year and we look forward to building new research with your support in 2023 and beyond!


Mary Jane (MJ) Mulcahey, PhD, OTR/L

1.)14 Research Grants Awarded: Bridging Research, Evidence, and Practice

  • Intervention Research Grant (IRG) Awardees will lay the necessary groundwork for larger intervention and for implementation studies and support the profession’s Vision 2025 of occupational therapy as an evidence-based profession. Thanks to NBCOT, AOTA, and the St. Catherine Challenge for their joint funding of IRG.  
  • Implementation Research Grant (IR) Awardees will conduct research that is focused on helping occupational therapists take evidence-informed practice from theory to reality in their practice setting. This research grant develops and evaluates the processes used to implement, sustain, and or scale-up evidence-based practice into routine care with an end goal to improve the quality and effectiveness of care. Thanks to NBCOT for their generous funding of IR grant. 
  • Health Services Research (HSR) Grant Awardees will examine how people get access to health care, how and what care is delivered, the cost of that care, and what happens to patients as a result of receiving or not receiving care. Thanks to NBCOT for their generous grant funding of HSR grant.
  • The Dr. Gary Kielhofner Doctoral Research Scholarship in Occupational Therapy and Nedra Gillette Endowed Research Fellowship were also awarded to honor their namesakes.

2.) Expanding Funding with New Research Training Grants and Fellowships

  • We awarded our inaugural Bonita Kraft Occupational Therapy Doctoral Student Scholarship that supports an occupational therapist doctoral candidate in pursuing research in mental health and help increase the visibility of occupational therapy in mental health for adults AND the Nancy Talbot Postdoctoral Research Fellowship supporting postdoctoral training for individuals from racial and ethnic groups demonstrated to have low representation in the biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social sciences.
  • Our newly created Standing for Research Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (STRIDE) OT Research Fund will support occupational therapy (OT) graduate students and clinicians from underrepresented groups to address the urgent need of broadening their representation in OT research. This research fund will support their participation in a mentored research experience at an institution other than their own. Additionally, the mentor will guide the applicant to prepare a presentation for the STRIDE Research Fund Symposium this year to showcase their work. 

3.) Collaboratively Bringing OT Research to You

  • Our signature events at AOTA Conference 2022 were back live in San Antonio Texas, with Breakfast with a Scholar: An Unquiet Mind, by Dr. Kay Jamison Redfield, international authority and researcher on mood disorders and State of the Science: Healing from Trauma: The Value of Occupation and Therapeutic Alliance by a panel of senior investigators. See what we have in store for AOTA Inspire 2023.
  • The AOTF Standing Together for Research Inclusion Diversity and Equity (STRIDE) Committee presented a series of forums/webinars to provide the occupational therapy research community with knowledge and skills on engagement: Equity in Research- Setting the Stage for Ethical Collaboration, Developing the Research Proposal: Process and Ethics to Promote Inclusion, Diversity and Equity, Funded! Now What? Ensuring Governance and Expectations are Clear When Conducting Community-Engaged Research, Evaluating Equity and Effectiveness in Community Engagement. View archived webinar series.
  • We've collaborated with CoHSTAR and LeaRRn to bring you Workshop in Implementation Science and Health Services: Advancing Grant Writing Skills for Rehabilitation Researchers last May and will do it again May 2023 in Alexandria, Va. Applications for complimentary registration and travel awards will be accepted through Jan. 15, 2023.

4.) Supporting the Future with over 50 OT Scholarships

Over 50 OT students received scholarships ranging in value from $150 to $5,000 in 2022 from AOTF and its collaboration with organizational partners including state occupational therapy associations. The OT Scholarship Program is one of the oldest of the Foundation's programs dating back to the establishment of AOTF in 1965. Thank you to the Scholarship Selection Committee, comprised of volunteer occupational therapy practitioners and educators, who reviewed all applications and recommended scholarship recipients.

5.) PTE Continues to Grow

Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE), the national occupational therapy honor society, continues to advance its mission to support occupational therapy by promoting research, leadership, and scholarly activities.134 schools now have active chapters, with eight new ones joining PTE in 2022. For a fifth consecutive year, PTE’s successful partnership with OccupationalTherapy.com offered free continuing education courses to its active alumni and lifetime members. Thank you to the leadership of PTE officers and engagement of members! See how to start a chapter.

6.) Pathway to OT Research 

A cohort of entry-level OT students participated in the AOTF/AOTA Future Scientists Institute, April 1st in San Antonio, TX. The facilitators and mentors included faculty and doctoral/postdoctoral students from established research programs from around the nation. The program included several panel discussions covering the myths and truths of research, how and where it fits into occupational therapy, plus how it can elevate equity, justice and human potential. The participants were also invited to our Breakfast with a Scholar and State of the Science programs, AOTA's Presidential Farewell/Inaugural Addresses, as well as the Eleanor Slagle Lecture featuring our AOTF Board Vice Chair, Kristie Patten. Thanks to all speakers and participants! We look forward to the 2023 Institute in Kansas City, April 21-22.

7.) OTJR Advancing the Profession Through Scientific Inquiry

2022 has been another outstanding year for our research publication OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. The 2021 Impact Factor is 1.632 and 5-Year Impact Factor is 2.211. To meet the ambitious goals of OTJR, they've expanded the size and expertise of their Editorial Board, streamlined the review template, and increased the length of manuscript submissions and the number of pages published in each issue. In collaboration with AOTF and SAGE, OTJR will launch a free webinar entitled “Enhancing Success in Publishing Peer-Reviewed Research" for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early career researchers. This continued growth represents the contributions of quality data-driven research from authors and the rigorous processes of OTJR's Editor-In-Chief, Timothy J. Wolf, OTD, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Assistant Editor, Associate Editors, Editorial Fellows, Review Board Members, and SAGE Publishing Partners. View OTJR subscriber benefits and author guidelines.

8.) Recognizing Research Excellence 

Every year, AOTF bestows awards and honors to individuals that contribute time, energy, and support to the fulfillment of the mission, goals, and objectives of AOTF. See full list of recipients including our distinguished Academy of Research inductees, Natalie Leland, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, FGSA, University of Pittsburgh; Elizabeth Pyatak, PhD, OTR/L, CDCES, FAOTA , University of Southern California; and Timothy J. Wolf, OTD, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, OTJR Editor-in-Chief, University of Missouri. View the 2022 Research Excellence Symposium with presentations from our Academy of Research Inductees and Early and Mid-Career Awardees.

9.) Record-Breaking OT Student Fundraiser 

Congratulations and thank you to our 2022 St. Catherine Challenge participating schools on a record-breaking year! The 2022 Challenge raised over $58,000 from 65 schools across the country, a new milestone in the Challenge's history including:

  • Most $ raised 
  • Most first-time school participants 
  • Most overall school participation 
  • Most 100% faculty participation 

Special thanks to the Top 3 Fundraising Schools: St. Catherine University, University of Pittsburgh, and University of Southern California. We invite you to support your school in the 2023 Challenge now underway.

10.) OT Research Fun

In celebration of OT Month in April, we had some fun and created #OTWordle for everyone to play on our social media channels. Of the many participants who submitted their results on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram #OTWordle posts, three were randomly selected in our May drawing for an AOTF Prize Pack. Have ideas for this coming OT month? Email us.

11.) Thank YOU for Strengthening the Future of OT!

  • Our generous donors who made gifts during the fiscal year 2022 enables AOTF to invest in new OT research, support OT students at all degree levels and to disseminate vital information to the profession. All our work and the impact of that work is made possible through the power of philanthropy. The full list of donors will be available at www.aotf.org and in our upcoming 2022 Annual Report. Become a Donor: Give a tax-deductible gift.
  • Our dedicated volunteers from all areas of occupational therapy and the public are essential to implementing our strategies to build critical evidence. If you would like to become a volunteer, view opportunities and apply.
  • Together with our valued partners, we've created new programs, events, and opportunities to build and share evidence in demand. We look forward to collaborating this year with established and new partners

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