Victoria Wilburn, DHSc, OTR, FAOTA Indiana University Indianapolis Utilizing Ecological Momentary Assessment with Adolescents Attending a Recovery High School Mentor: Brandon Sorge, PhD
Megan Chang, PhD, OTR/L, MS San Jose State University Use of a Telehealth Approach to Build Resilience in Parents of Children with Autism through Mindfulness Practice Mentor: Laurie Drabble, PhD
Kendra Heatwole Shank, PhD, OTR/L, CAPS Towson University MCI Intervention for Out-of-Home Participation: Aging, Cognition, & Meaningful Engagement (ACME) Mentor: Malcolm Cutchin, PhD
Erika Kemp, OTD, OTR/L, BCP The Ohio State University Determining Efficacy and Active Ingredients of the AquOTic program for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Mentor: Amy Darragh, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Alix Sleight, PhD, OTD, MPH, OTR/L Cedars-Sinai The RISE (Re-Invent, Integrate, Strengthen, Expand) Occupation-Based Self-Management Program for Cancer Survivors: A Feasibility Study Mentor: Pamela Roberts PhD, OTR/L, SCFES, FAOTA, CPHQ, FNAP, FACRM