Top AOTF Accomplishments in 2020

Message from the AOTF Board Chair:

LawlorWhat a year! Thank you to all our staff, trustees, donors, volunteers, partners, and community members who have ensured our continued success at supporting impactful research. Working together, yet safely apart, we are collectively building research capacity; generating, translating, and disseminating research knowledge; expanding partnerships; and enacting initiatives to address the pressing societal issues evident through the COVID and racial injustice pandemics. We look forward to the new year and wish you and your family safe, healthy, and happy holidays!


Mary Lawlor, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA, AOTF Board Chair

Top Accomplishments in 2020:

1.) New DEI Committee - The Board of Trustees created a new standing committee, Standing for Research Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (STRIDE) to develop, direct, and evaluate AOTF initiatives to promote diversity & belonging, combat racism, heal trauma, achieve equity, and social justice. In addition, we want to identify and address any barriers in our community to full inclusion and learn more from our stakeholders about experiences that could inform us about how to do better and promote the kinds of reflections and insights that fuel change. While some of these actions build on existing initiatives within AOTF, others represent new steps that the Foundation will be enacting in direct response to recent events. Read full action plan.MJFF

2.) New MJFF Grant - The American Occupational Therapy Foundation and The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) for Parkinson's Research partnered to offer a two-year $100,000 intervention research grant. This inaugural funding will support projects with a specific focus on the investigation of Parkinson's disease (PD) and OT intervention as well as provide a blueprint for future Foundation partnerships.

3.) Planning Grant Collective - In October, the American Occupational Therapy Foundation held its annual Planning Grant Collective, a workshop that brought together over 35 stakeholders from many disciplines to plan future studies in the field of occupational therapy. This year’s collaboration was a three-day virtual event on the timely topic Stimulating Research to Advance Evidence-Based Applications of Telehealth in Occupational Therapy. As telehealth is at the forefront of healthcare now more than ever, the planning grant committee will fast-track the process of releasing a white paper and a call-to-action for researchers, practitioners, students, consumers, and funding agencies.

4.) 14 Research Grants Awarded Bridging Research, Evidence, and Practice

  • 5 Intervention Research Grant Awardees will lay the necessary groundwork for larger intervention and for implementation studies and support the profession’s Vision 2025 of occupational therapy as an evidence-based profession. Thanks to NBCOT, AOTA, and the St. Catherine Challenge for their joint funding.  
  • 3 Implementation Research Grant Awardees will conduct research that is focused on helping occupational therapists take evidence-informed practice from theory to reality in their practice setting. This research grant develops and evaluates the processes used to implement, sustain, and or scale-up evidence-based practice into routine care with an end goal to improve the quality and effectiveness of care. Thanks to NBCOT for their joint funding. 
  • 4 Health Services Research Grant Awardees will examine how people get access to health care, how and what care is delivered, the cost of that care, and what happens to patients as a result of receiving or not receiving care. Thanks to NBCOT for their generous grant funding.
  • The Dr. Gary Kielhofner Doctoral Research Scholarship in Occupational Therapy and Nedra Gillette Endowed Research Fellowship were also awarded to honor their namesakes.

5.) Recognizing Research Excellence - Every year, AOTF bestows awards and honors to individuals, agencies, businesses and/or other organizations that contribute time, energy, and support to the fulfillment of the mission, goals, and objectives of AOTF. View recipients including our distinguished Academy of Research inductee, Jennifer Fleming, PhD, OTR/L, FOTARA, Professor, The University of Queensland.

6.) 41 OT Scholarships Awarded in Collaboration with State OT Associations

The scholarships ranged in value from $150 to $5,000. The OT Scholarship Program is one of the oldest of the Foundation's programs dating back to the establishment of AOTF in 1965. Thank you to the Scholarship Selection Committee, comprised of volunteer occupational therapy practitioners and educators, who reviewed all applications and recommended scholarship recipients.

7.) OTJR Advancing the Profession Through Scientific Inquiry - 2020 has been an outstanding year for research publication OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. The 5-year impact factor for 2019 increased to an all-time high of 1.695. Furthermore, OTJR has received an unprecedented number of submissions so far in 2020, with 209 manuscripts submitted year to date. With the commitment and diligence of our editorial board and reviewers, the turnaround time from submission to first decision remains an average of just 27 days. This growth represents the contributions of quality data-driven research from authors and the rigorous processes of OTJR's Editor-In-Chief (Sherrilene Classen PhD, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA, FGSA), Assistant Editor, Associate Editors, Editorial Fellows, Review Board Members, and SAGE Publishing Partners. In addition, the journal moved to online-only for individual subscriber cost-savings and environmentally-friendly factors.

8.) OT Summit Selections - AOTA and AOTF selected 32 students to attend the fifth annual Summer Institute of Future Scientists in Occupational Therapy. The program will introduce students to a career in research, connect them with mentors in the occupational therapy scientific community, and immerse them in a research-focused professional experience.

9.) Record-Breaking Support of the Intervention Research Grant 

  • The 2020 St. Catherine Challenge raised over $54,000 from 54 schools across the country, a new milestone in the Challenge's history. Thank you to all the schools and student leaders who participated in the Challenge. We welcome you to participate in the 2021 Challenge underway.
  • 100% of our past Intervention Research Grant winners made a philanthropic gift to support the next round of these unique grants! This unprecedented level of giving demonstrates the outstanding commitment of our OT community to advance the science of occupational therapy.  
    IRGs fill a critical gap in OT research funding by providing financial support for a 1-year, early stage, research study. in follow-on funding. Stay tuned for the winners of the 2021 IRGs!PTE

10.) PTE Continues to Grow - Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE), the national occupational therapy honor society, continues to advance its mission to support occupational therapy by promoting research, leadership, and scholarly activities. 124 schools now have active chapters, with five new ones joining PTE in 2020. For a fourth consecutive year, PTE’s successful partnership with OccupationalTherapy.com offered free continuing education credits to its active alumni and lifetime members. Thank you to the leadership of PTE officers and engagement of members!

11.) Pivoting with New Complimentary Webinar Series - Our new webinar series, spearheaded by Board Chair, Mary Lawlor, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA, focuses on the timely topic of Navigating Research During the COVID Pandemic. Next up in the series will be Experiences of Front Line Occupational Therapists and Implications for Research in January. View the first webinar Perspectives of PIs on Pivots and Challenges.

12.) New Online Scavenger Hunt in OT Month - In celebration of OT Month in April, the American Occupational Therapy Foundation (AOTF) held an online scavenger hunt to have some fun while broadening the knowledge of the Foundation’s mission, activities and our impact on evidence-based practice. Thank you participants and our sponsor OccupationalTherapy.com who provided a new iPad® for the raffle.

13.) Strengthening the Future of OT Thanks to You

  • Donors - AOTF is immensely grateful to our generous donors who made gifts during the fiscal year 2020 (October 1, 2019-September 30, 2020). The full list of donors will be available at www.aotf.org and in our upcoming 2020 Annual Report. Give a year end tax-deductible gift.
  • Volunteers - We depend on the volunteers from all areas of occupational therapy and the public to deliver the programs you have come to rely on. View volunteers and how to apply.
  • Partners - We are especially grateful for our valued partner support and flexibility during this ever-changing year. We look forward to working with you in the new year. Become a partner

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December 2020 Newsletter

Special Edition: Top Accomplishments of 2020

New DEI Committee

The Board of Trustees created a new standing committee, Standing for Research Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (STRIDE) to develop, direct, and evaluate AOTF initiatives to promote diversity & belonging, combat racism, heal trauma, achieve equity, and social justice. In addition, we want to identify and address any barriers in our community to full inclusion and learn more from our stakeholders about experiences that could inform us about how to do better and promote the kinds of reflections and insights that fuel change. While some of these actions build on existing initiatives within AOTF, others represent new steps that the Foundation will be enacting in direct response to recent events. Read full action plan.

Sponsor of South Dakota OT 5K Raises Money for Scholarship

SD Scholarship 5KHarlan Temple, once again sponsored the annual South Dakota OT 5K which works with students at University of South Dakota and the South Dakota OT Association to raise money for the SD Harlan and Rita Temple Scholarship. With the help of Emily Heumiller, a SDOTA student representative from USD, who spearheaded this year’s 5K, they raised over $1,300 for the scholarship.

“Due to Covid-19, our 5K was held virtually this year over a 3-day period, it could be run on any of the days, anytime, and any place. There were 51participants from several different states. Each participant received a t-shirt with our name, logo, and names of each sponsor on the back. There were also prizes given to the top runners that were able keep their time in the program app and of course using the honor system. Most people weren't interested in keeping their time, they just wanted enjoy and participate! Emily and I did it on Sunday afternoon on the Sioux Falls bike trail and actually did two 5K's in one, 6.3 miles in 2.45 hrs. Pretty much taking our time and enjoying it.”

See all the scholarships available with the collaboration between AOTF and state OT associations and other ways you can support OT research.

#GivingTuesday @AOTFoundation

#GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people to transform their communities.

“Building Evidence Together To Improve Practice & Health"
Even when we have to be physically apart we can be philanthropically together.

Thank You to All our Donors Who Made GivingTuesday A Success! 

AOTF is so grateful to the dozens of donors who made OT Research and OT Scholarships a priority for their philanthropy.

  • Almost $10,000 was raised to support Intervention Research Grants, OT Scholarships and the Kielhofner Doctoral Scholarship.
  • Illinois, New York, Florida and Ohio will have an extra $500 added to their state’s 2021 scholarships.
  • There is still time to make a gift before the end of the year. Support your alma mater in the St. Catherine’s Challenge, use AmazonSmile to make AOTF your charity of choice or visit our Support page to help build new evidence for occupational therapy.  

We believe that occupational therapists should have the best and most current evidence available so they can deliver the highest quality care to their clients. Will you join us to build new evidence in occupational therapy?

Every day the demand for evidence is rising and AOTF is leading the effort to meet this demand. More evidence means better quality of care, reduced costs, and increase efficacy. In addition to the dozens of specialty areas in which OTs work there is now a need for OT to build evidence for COVID-19, address social injustices and support underserved populations so they can receive equitable and accessible health care services .

The only way AOTF can make investments into new OT research and the future OT workforce is with your philanthropic support. Please make a gift to help us fund essential grants, scholarships and research programs.

AOTF Giving Tuesday Quote


Priority Funds for 2020-2021:

  • Intervention Research Grants- This seed-funding fills a critical gap in early-stage OT research and helps OT researchers build proof of concept and publish initial findings.
  • Dr. Gary Kielhofner Doctoral Student Scholarship- Honors the life and legacy of one of the most influential and transformational figures in occupational therapy by providing financial aid to an Occupational Therapist enrolled in a doctoral degree program.  
  • Nedra Gillette Research Fellowship- Honors the first Director of Research at AOTF who was instrumental raising awareness of the need for evidence-based practice. This 1-year award supports an OT postdoctoral fellow engaged in cross-cultural research into the human condition as it is influenced by health, participation in valued roles, and social justice. 
  • Scholarships- Help future occupational therapists obtain their degree and lower the burden of student debt. AOTF has over 55 scholarships including two-dozen state specific scholarships.

Match Contests to Make Your Contribution Go Further Thanks to Our Sponsors:AnthemEBS Healthcare

  • Unlock the Match- Once $2,000 has been donated to AOTF, Anthem, Inc will make a gift of $1,000 to support new OT research.
  • Scholarship Boost- Win $500 for the scholarship of your state! The 4 states with the greatest number of donors will receive an extra $500 for their 2021 scholarship thanks to EBS Healthcare.
  • Share Your Support- Share your support of AOTF on social media, such as an #Unselfie, and the 2 donors with the most likes will have their gifts matched by Anthem Inc. Double your gift and celebrate your passion for OT. Be sure to use @AOTFoundation, #OTResearch, and #GivingTuesday (#AOTFSCC if St. Catherine Challenge contribution).
  • First and Foremost- The first donor to make a gift of $500 and the first donor to make a gift of $250 will have their gifts matched by Anthem, Inc.

Thank You Contest Sponsors:

Anthem is a leading health benefits company dedicated to improving lives and communities, and making healthcare simpler. Through its affiliated companies, Anthem serves more than 106 million people, including more than 42 million within its family of health plans. We aim to be the most innovative, valuable and inclusive partner. We do so by supporting all eligible people regardless of age, sex, race or disability. Our goal is to foster healthy, inclusive communities through addressing  drivers of health and reducing health disparities so  people have the opportunity to live their best lives.  For more information, please visit www.antheminc.com

EBS is a unique company that began as a non-profit organization founded by speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and special education directors more than 30 years ago. We are dedicated to empowering clinicians to become leaders in their fields, while providing the highest-quality pediatric services for families and communities around the world.  We are proud to support AOTF because we share a common mission, develop new, evidence-based interventions and empower therapists to deliver the highest quality care. For more information, please visit https://www.ebshealthcare.com/

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