Chih-Ying Li, PhD, OTR/L

University of Texas Medical Branch

OT Service Intensity in Home Health and Impact on Health Outcomes
Mentor: Kenneth Ottenbacher

Kristin Bukovsky

Director of Communications and Marketing

Kristin joined AOTF in the fall of 2019. As Director of Communications & Marketing, she promotes the AOTF mission by developing effective, high-impact, and cost-efficient outreach with consistent branding to various stakeholders using appropriate channels.

Prior to joining the Foundation, she was Director of Marketing at the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) for five years, Communications Specialist at the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS), and Account Manager at Nemetschek Vectorworks Inc., a computer-aided design software company. 

She earned her BS in Corporate Communications at the University of Baltimore. She also holds an Associate's in Computer-Aided Design.

2019 with donor list

2020 with donor list

Top Downloaded 2019 OTJR Article

Upper Extremity Function Assessment Using a Glove Orthosis and Virtual Reality System was the most downloaded OTJR article in 2019 (published in 2019). Authors: Richard J. Adams, Allison L. Ellington, Kate Armstead, Kristen Sheffield, James T. Patrie, Paul T. Diamond.

OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health journal is excited to announce a new Occupational Science Section! Papers submitted should focus on how occupational science knowledge informs, influences, and is furthered by empirical research. 

Submit your paper



