Anonymous (3)
Jeanette Bair
Esther Bernice Bell
Charlotte Bhasin
Clyde Butz
Charles Christiansen
Marion Crampton*
Florence Cromwell
Elizabeth Deichman*
Cynthia Epstein
Anne Fisher
Linda Florey
Eunice Ford*
Frank Gainer
Susan Gans
Mildred Gittinger
Ann P. Grady*
Carol Joan Gryde
Kathryn Gunderson and John Watson
Carol Gwin
Kristine Haertl
Barbara Hemphill
Alice Howe*
Joy Huss
Essie Jacobs
Jerry A Johnson*
Virginia King*
Margaret Kirchman
Martha Kirkland
Ruth Rickers Klemmer
Susan Hirsch Knox
Marie Kress*
Martha Mae Lasche*
Catherine Trombly Latham
Dorothy Lesch
Amy Lind*
Lela Llorens
M. Jeanne Madigan
Rosalie Johanna Miller
Maralynne Mitcham*
Barbara Neuhas*
Yvonne De Sinson Norton*
Carolyn Owen
Carole Pauw
Shawn Phipps
Helen Marguerite Pollack*
Antje Price
Judith Reisman
Fred Sammons
Virginia Scardina*
Maryelle Scritchfield
Charlotte Seltser
Julie Shaperman
Margarette Shelton
Anita Slominski*
Lyla Mae Spelbring*
Florence Stattel*
Genevieve Steffen
Sharon Stoffel
Nancy Holt Talbot
Maxine Ferrell Virden
Ruth Ann Watkins
Ruth Brunyate Weimer*
Wilma L. West*
Helen P. White*
Jeanette Winters
The American Occupational Therapy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Gifts to the AOTF are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Federal Tax I.D. # 136189382. Always rely on your attorney or other qualified advisors to guide you through the estate planning process.