
Dissemination Toolkits

Our Dissemination Toolkits page offers a variety of free, publicly available resources designed to aid in the development and implementation of effective dissemination plans. These toolkits include guidelines, strategies, checklists, worksheets, templates, examples, and case studies.

Creating a comprehensive dissemination plan is essential for ensuring that research findings are effectively translated into practice. A well-crafted plan will guide you through the dissemination process, helping you to identify what information will be shared, the target audience, the most effective channels for communication, and how to measure success. It also includes developing a detailed work plan to achieve these goals.

 Global Health focus: 

 Toolkits for Developing Dissemination Products: 

This section contains toolkits for summarizing research findings and developing dissemination products, such as Plain Language Summaries, Policy Briefs, Reports, Infographics, and Press Releases