
AOTF Scholarship Program

Over 50 scholarships are available from the American Occupational Therapy Foundation and state occupational therapy associations. Applicants complete only one online form to apply for all qualifying scholarships.  See How to Apply for eligibility requirements. 

Applications for the 2025-2026 period will now open in January 2026 due to applicant feedback.

Questions?  View FAQ's or contact scholarships@aotf.org or 240-292-1077.

Scholarships 2024-2025: Post-Baccalaureate Degree

Scholarship Name
Additional Eligibility Requirements
OccupationalTherapy.com Scholarship


Mary Will McKenzie Endowed Scholarship

For a student who has expressed an interest in and/or demonstrated work specializing in physical disability, particularly spinal cord injury, neurologic conditions, stroke and arthritis. Eligible candidates will be enrolled in an accredited Master’s or OTD program in the United States.

Charles Christiansen and Beth Jones Endowed Scholarship

Preference given to students who will contribute to greater ethnic diversity in the occupational therapy profession. 

Mary Minglen Scholarship


Willard & Spackman Scholarship


Carolyn Kohn Memorial Scholarship

Must be a New York State resident.

Kappa Delta Phi Scholarship

Priority given to residents of AZ, CA, FL, IA, IN, KY, MO. 2 scholarships are typically awarded. 

Lela Llorens Endowed Scholarship

Candidates who have shown outstanding leadership in the Student Occupational Therapy Association on their campus and as a member of the Black Occupational Therapy Association and/or Caucus on their campus, in their state, or at the national level.

Linda Botten Memorial Scholarship

Preference given to those active in public policy.

Martha Kirkland Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE) Endowed Scholarship

Demonstrated leadership potential. Aspire to roles in education, practice, or research. Must be a member of Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE).

The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) Endowed Scholarship


The Network for LGBTQIA+ Concerns in OT Endowed Scholarship

Member of the local campus Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Transgender (LGBT) organization.

Ruth Peterson Memorial (Kappa Chapter of Pi Theta Epsilon) Scholarship

Must be currently enrolled in OT program at the University of North Dakota.

Robert and Sharon Ryan Endowed Scholarship

Preference given to under-represented minority students

Florence M. Stattel Endowed Scholarship

Student must attend New York University or Nova Southeastern University

Dian Blicksilver Aja Scholarship

Focus on ergonomics.

Lila Daut and Allen Jacobson Occupational Therapy Scholarship

Eligible candidates for the scholarship must be enrolled in an accredited OTA, MOT, MSOT or OTD program in the state of Wisconsin. Well qualified candidates should demonstrate their passion for occupational therapy and their need for financial assistance.

Lands Banks Memorial Scholarship

The Lands Banks Memorial Scholarship in Occupational Therapy will provide financial aid to support a student in pursuit of their degree.  Eligible candidates must be pursuing an entry-level degree, i.e., OTA, MOT, MSOT or OTD at an AOTA accredited US institution, must be enrolled as a full-time student, and must have completed at least one year of coursework. In addition, candidates for this scholarship must demonstrate their role in community service and/or a service leadership role. Preference for this scholarship will be given to students from historically under-represented minorities in the field of occupational therapy.

AOTF Scholarship Available 2024-2025: Associate Degree

Scholarship Name
Additional Eligibility Requirements
Carlotta Welles Scholarship


AOTA Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) Scholarship

None (Alternate years with post-baccalaureate)

Lila Daut and Allen Jacobson Occupational Therapy Scholarship

Eligible candidates for the scholarship must be enrolled in an accredited OTA, MOT, MSOT or OTD program in the state of Wisconsin. Well qualified candidates should demonstrate their passion for occupational therapy and their need for financial assistance.

Lands Banks Memorial Scholarship

The Lands Banks Memorial Scholarship in Occupational Therapy will provide financial aid to support a student in pursuit of their degree.  Eligible candidates must be pursuing an entry-level degree, i.e., OTA, MOT, MSOT or OTD at an AOTA accredited US institution, must be enrolled as a full-time student, and must have completed at least one year of coursework. In addition, candidates for this scholarship must demonstrate their role in community service and/or a service leadership role. Preference for this scholarship will be given to students from historically under-represented minorities in the field of occupational therapy.

State Association Scholarships Available 2024-2025

Scholarship Name
Additional Eligibility Requirements
Arizona - The Adelaide Ryerson Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to an occupational therapy student at the post-baccalaureate degree level or occupational therapy assistant level.  Students must be enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy education program and must be residents of Arizona, attending any curriculum in the state of Arizona.  Must be a current member of the Arizona Occupational Therapy Association.

Arkansas - The Florence Wood Scholarship

One scholarship to an Arkansas resident enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy educational program in Arkansas.

District of Columbia

One scholarship awarded annually to a student currently enrolled in the occupational therapy education program at Howard University, Trinity Washington University or George Washington University (OT, OTD or OTA programs) and who is a member of the DCOTA and who resides in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (i.e., the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia)

Florida - The Myra McDaniel Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to students in good standing attending an accredited occupational therapy educational program located in the state of Florida.   Must be a member of the Florida Occupational Therapy Association.


Scholarships awarded to students in good standing attending an accredited occupational therapy educational program located in the state of Illinois and who are members of the Illinois Occupational Therapy Association.

Kansas - Gloria Scammahorn Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to one entry-level occupational therapy student and/or one entry-level occupational therapy assistant (OTA) student who are members of the Kansas Occupational Therapy Association and the American Occupational Therapy Association. Scholarships winners are required to present a brief statement at the Kansas Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference about how the scholarships has positively impacted his/her education.

Louisiana - The Todd Poche Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to occupational therapy students within the state of Louisiana.

Massachusetts - The Karen Jacobs Scholarship

One scholarship for a Massachusetts resident enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy educational program in Massachusetts at the professional degree level.  Applicants must be members of the Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy.

Michigan - The Fred Sammons and Barbara Rider Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to students enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy educational program in the state of Michigan.  Preferences will be given for students who are residents of Michigan and who are members of the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association.

Missouri Scholarship

One time scholarship awarded to one occupational therapy student within the state of Missouri.

New Hampshire - The Mary Eileen Dixey Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant students in accredited occupational therapy education programs, attending a curriculum in New Hampshire and who are residents of New Hampshire.

New Jersey

Two annual scholarships will be awarded, one to a student enrolled in an occupational therapy degree program and one to a student enrolled in an occupational therapy assistant program. Eligible candidates must be a resident of New Jersey and must be current members of the New Jersey Occupational Therapy Association. Preference will be given to students enrolled in a school in New Jersey. Applicants should include in their application details as to why they need this award and the reasons they want to be an OT, OTD or OTA.

New Mexico - The Julia D. Sweeney Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to an occupational therapy or occupational theray assistant student within the state of New Mexico.  Must be a member of the New Mexico Occupational Therapy Association.

New York

Scholarships for occupational therapy students at the professional master's degree level or an accredited OTA program in New York state, who are residents of the state of New York and who are members of the New York State Occupational Therapy Association.

North Carolina - The Jane Davis Rourk Memorial Endowed Scholarship

To honor the memory and legacy of Jane Davis Rourk, AOTF and NCOTA are proud to offer this scholarship to support an OT student in pursuit of their degree. Eligible students must be enrolled in an accredited associate or professional level occupational therapy program in the state of North Carolina and must be members of the North Carolina Occupational Therapy Association.

North Dakota Ruth Peterson Memorial (Kappa Chapter of Pi Theta Epsilon)

One or more scholarships in the amount of $750 to be awarded to occupational therapy students currently enrolled at the University of North Dakota.


Three levels of awards are available to Ohio occupational therapy practitioner students including scholarships for: 1. Occupational therapist students enrolled in accredited occupational therapy education programs within the state of Ohio. 2. Occupational therapy assistant students enrolled in accredited occupational therapy education programs within the state of Ohio. 3. Post-professional students: The Rosa Hartsook Memorial Scholarship is available to occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants enrolled in a post-professional occupational therapy program or doing graduate study in a field related to occupational therapy in an Ohio university. Students must be residents of Ohio and current members of the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association.


Scholarships awarded to students at the associate, professional, or post professional level. The student must attend an accredited occupational therapy program within the state of Oklahoma. The student must also be a member of the Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Association and reside in the state of Oklahoma.


One scholarship for a professional level student who is a resident of Oregon and is attending Pacific University or Linn-Benton Community College in Oregon.

South Carolina - The Chris Ebbers Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to one occupational therapy student and one occupational therapy assistant student within the state of South Carolina. 

South Dakota - The Harlan and Rita Temple Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to a student or students in good standing enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy educational program within the state of South Dakota.  Students earning professional level degrees or occupational therapy assistant degrees.  Preferences will be given for students who are residents of South Dakota and students who are members of the South Dakota Occupational Therapy Association


Two scholarships to be awarded annually:  one at the post baccalaureate degree level and one at the associate degree level to Texas residents attending any curriculum in the state of Texas and members of the Texas Occupational Therapy Association


Scholarships awarded to at least one occupational therapy student and one occupational therapy assistant student annually who are enrolled in entry-level OT programs, are members of the Utah Occupational Therapy Association, and are residents of Utah.

Virginia - The Fred Sammons Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to students enrolled in an accredited occupational therapy educational program within the state of Virginia.  Preferences will be given for students who are residents of Virginia and who are members of the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association.


Scholarships awarded to at least one occupational therapy student and one occupational therapy assistant student annually who are enrolled in entry-level OT programs, are members of the Washington Occupational Therapy Association, and are residents of Washington state.

West Virginia - The Charlotte Prudich, Elizabeth B. Devereaux, and Deborah Shamblin Endowed Scholarship

Scholarships awarded to occupational therapy students enrolled in an accredited OT, OTA, MOT or OTD program in the United States of America, is a resident of West Virginia and is a member of the West Virginia Occupational Therapy Association.


Scholarships for occupational therapy students who are residents of the state of Wisconsin and are members of the Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Association or for research by members for the Wisconsin Occupational Therapy Association