
Chapter Resources

Listing of Chapters by State

Welcome new 2024 Chapters: Midwestern University (Beta Epsilon), Cedar Crest College (Beta Lambda), Rutgers University (Beta Eta) and Notre Dame Of Maryland University (Delta Zeta).

Welcome new 2023 Chapters: Iona University (Omega), Marquette University (Eta Beta), Presbyterian College (Eta Alpha), Slippery Rock University (Epsilon Omicron), University of Cincinnati (Alpha Lambda), University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Alpha Phi), University of the Pacific (Beta Iota) and Trinity Washington University (Alpha Mu).

Chapter Annual National Dues Payment and Membership Form

The Annual National Dues Payment and Membership Form must be completed once a year by chapters and sent to the PTE National Office even if students have paid dues online. Completing this form secures an "active" status of your school's chapter within Pi Theta Epsilon. PTE National suggests to send this form and accompanying dues payments prior to the induction ceremony for new members. Certificates for all newly inducted students will be mailed to chapters following receipt of the payment form.

All newly inducted PTE members must pay membership dues. Students who do not select lifetime membership must pay annual dues to remain active members. A description of the membership types and dues is available in the Annual National Dues Payment and Membership Form.

How to Establish a Chapter

To establish a PTE chapter, your university must offer master's level or advanced degrees in occupational therapy and be fully accredited by ACOTE. International chapters outside of the United States may be established in a college or university which offer degrees in occupational therapy approved by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. PTE chapters may be established at institutions when evidence of interest and eligibility is shown by ten or more students.

Please complete the Petition Form to Establish a Chapter and return to the PTE National Office at The American Occupational Therapy Foundation to begin the process of starting a chapter.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is there a fee associated with starting a Pi Theta Epsilon chapter? 

Pi Theta Epsilon does not have an initiation fee to establish a chapter at a university. Students pay annual dues or may select a lifetime membership. There is no annual cost from the national office to a chapter.

How long does it take to be approved as a PTE chapter? 

Upon receiving the Petition Form to Establish a Chapter, the review process can take between 3 to 10 business days. If the new chapter is approved, your school will receive a Pi Theta Epsilon Greek chapter name and can begin operating as a PTE chapter.

We are here to help! 

Please contact the Pi Theta Epsilon National Office at pte@aotf.org or (240) 292-1077 with additional questions on forming a chapter.

Chapter Resources

Just Getting Started, Resources for New Chapters: First Steps to a Successful Chapter

Identifying and Inviting Eligible Students

Induction Ceremony Resources

General Chapter Meetings and Scholarly Activities

PTE Annual Business Meeting Resources

Branding and Recruitment