Member Benefits
In addition to the lifelong honor and privilege of being elected to a nationally accredited professional honor society, members in good standing are eligible to:
- Apply for exclusive scholarships and awards including the Mary J. Bridle First Research Award, Martha Kirkland Scholarship, the President's Award, and the Grant for Excellence in Interchapter Collaboration.
- Attend the PTE Annual Business Meeting with guest speakers in occupational therapy.
- Network with past and present OT members at the PTE reception, Annual Business Meeting, and Special PTE Session at the AOTA Annual Conference.
- Receive a one-year subscription to OTJR: Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (a $108 value) and name printed in OTJR's annual list of inductees.
- PTE members seeking federal employment may be eligible for a GS level upgrade according to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's General Schedule Qualification Policies. Section 4 reviews the Educational and Training Provisions or Requirements necessary to be eligible for the upgrade. Some of the provisions and requirements are based on class standing, grade point average or honor society membership, and may mean a higher level of pay. Keep in mind this is not a PTE managed benefit -- it is federal policy. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Human Resources department associated with the position being applied for.
- Special benefit for Lifetime Members: Complimentary online CEU courses through (a $99+ value). This benefit begins when member completes their OT program.
- Wear an honor cord at graduation to signify membership in an elected honor society.
- Receive a personalized PTE Certificate for member induction ceremony and a membership card.
- Wear the official PTE membership pin on professional apparel. These can be purchased at the AOTF marketplace.
- Receive the official newsletter, the Scroll and Pen.
- Serve as an elected chapter or national officer.
(PTE Member Benefits 1-Pg. Print-Friendly PDF Flyer)
Eligibility for Membership
To be eligible to join Pi Theta Epsilon, a student must have:
- A ranking within the highest 35% of their class in scholarship;
- Completed the number of credit hours used by the institution to designate one full academic term equivalency in an entry-level baccalaureate or post -baccalaureate program in occupational therapy.
- At least one entire semester remaining after initiation before leaving for a fieldwork placement. (An eligible student need not apply for membership in the semester in which she or he becomes eligible, but may apply any time until the beginning of the final academic semester/quarter prior to beginning fieldwork).
As part of the membership application, a student should send:
- A graded piece of scholarly written work, completed while enrolled in the occupational therapy program.
- A short essay (250 words) stating why she/he wishes to join PTE.
Additional considerations:
- Part-time students are eligible for membership. Part-time students are those for whom the total span of time allotted to complete all requirements for the degree program is greater than the usual number of required semesters or quarters. To be eligible, part-time students must have completed the number of graduate credit hours used by the institution to designate on full academic term equivalency in an entry-level post baccalaureate program in occupational therapy. GPAs for part-time students shall be figured separately for each student, relative to a current full -time class in the program. The several part-time students enrolled in the program shall not be considered as a “class” but shall have met all other eligibility requirements.
- Lapsed members (those who have not continued to pay chapter dues as alumni) may rejoin the local PTE chapter of their choosing by paying only the current year's membership fee. No reinstatement fees shall be charged by any local chapter. Membership in a local chapter automatically bestows membership in the national society.
- ACHS does not permit a national honor society to require membership in any other organization such as the American Occupational Therapy Association, American Student Committee of the Occupational Therapy Association.
- Candidate’s applications for membership will be reviewed by a Review Board. Nominations of student members shall be made by the Review Board.
- Pi Theta Epsilon does not discriminate against any prospective member on the basis of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, or age.