The Mary J. Bridle First Research Award
PTE sponsors the Mary J. Bridle First Research Award (an annual grant of $2,500) to encourage students to become actively involved in OT research. Applicants must submit their research manuscript to the national office. Learn more about September deadlines and how to apply.
The Martha J. Kirkland Endowed Scholarship
The Martha J. Kirkland Endowed Scholarship is one of over 50 scholarships available from the AOTF and state occupational therapy associations. PTE membership is a requirement to be considered for the Martha J. Kirkland Endowed Scholarship. Learn more.
The President's Award
The President's Award honors and recognizes one or more PTE chapters that organize and implement outstanding scholarly activities. Each chapter may submit one application detailing one scholarly chapter event. Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis but the PTE national office must receive it by January 31 to be considered for that year. The winning chapter will be recognized at the PTE Annual Business Meeting. Learn more about the President's Grant.
The PTE Grant For Excellence In Interchapter Collaboration
This grant has been established to honor and recognize Pi Theta Epsilon chapters who have exceeded in creating interchapter collaborations which support the PTE mission. Interchapter collaborations must have been organized and implemented by two or more chapters with the aim to increase knowledge, develop professional skills, and contribute to the advancement of the occupational therapy profession. Applications may be submitted on a rolling basis but the PTE national office must receive it by January 31 to be considered for that year. Learn more about the PTE Grant for Excellence in Interchapter Collaboration.

PTE Executive Team 2024